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    Untapped Potential: White Paper by Women in Japan’s Workforce ACCJ in Support of GOJ’s 2020/30 Goal

    Untapped Potential: White Paper by Women in Japan’s Workforce ACCJ in Support of GOJ’s 2020/30 Goal

    In June 2016, The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) launched a White Paper proposing an integrated partnership-based blueprint for action to help the public and private sectors in Japan achieve the Government of Japan’s “2020/30” target of women holding 30 percent of management and leadership positions by 2020.

    It addresses ten areas to enhance labor mobility, provide a solid and seamless support system for women, and assist in the mindset change necessary to ensure that Japan can progress toward its 2020/30 target, and providing employee assistance programs including concierge services is recommended among the ten areas.

    Below are quotes from the White Paper.

    ……With a professional concierge service in place, employees could concentrate on their work, knowing their errands were being taken care of and corporate productivity could be preserved…….

    …..As the data show, working women face harsh realities. Those who take care of children or aging relatives—or both—have stress-filled lives, and most choose to quit their jobs. Companies that provide the kind of support mentioned above will retain far more of their female talent.

    Setting targets for retention is not enough; companies must fully support their female employees throughout the continuum of their careers to obtain the full benefit of their talent. To do that, companies must devise and implement plans that forge a win-win relationship, for themselves and for their female employees. The use of EAPs and concierge services, offered in-house or through outsourcing, is an excellent way to achieve this.

    Companies that offer their employees concierge and other services are also better able to attract and retain first-rate talent, increase productivity and expand opportunities for continued employment. They should tailor the services they offer to the needs and concerns of their employees, and encourage their male as well as their female employees to use these services……


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