• NEWS

    Report on participation in Google Asia Women Startups Forum

    Report on participation in Google Asia Women Startups Forum

    Ms. Mariko Magnan, our CEO, participated in the Google for Startups Forum held in South Korea for four days from 14 to 17 November.

    The program, organized by Google, aims to empower women founders across Asia, support their start-ups, and provide networking opportunities for their international expansion. In the 12 weeks since TPO was selected in August this year, Magnan has been actively engaged in a variety of activities while working hard with female founders from South Korea, Hong Kong, India, and other countries.

    Magnan will use the insights and inspiration she gained from participating in the program as a springboard for the growth and development of TPO Inc. on a more global stage.

    Google Asia Women Startup Forum and Women Startups (Japanese/Korean)


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