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    CEO Magnan speaks at webinar with Makiko Shinoda and others at Mitsubishi Marketing Study Group’s “Study Group on the Future of Work Styles”

    CEO Magnan speaks at webinar with Makiko Shinoda and others at Mitsubishi Marketing Study Group’s “Study Group on the Future of Work Styles”

    On Thursday, August 19, CEO Magnan participated in a webinar with Makiko Shinoda of Yell Company, Ltd. and others at the “Study Group on the Future of Work Styles” hosted by the Mitsubishi Marketing Research Institute.

    Magnan also spoke on the topic of “Employee Psychological Safety Essential in the Era of DX/SX” and participated in the panel discussion.

    This study session was held as part of the “Future of Work” project and study group to consider what will be required of organizations and people in the future (systems, operational methods, mindset skills, etc.), which was launched based on the “Survey on Future Work and Work Styles” by the Mitsubishi Marketing Study Group.

    About Mitsubishi Marketing Study Group:

    The Mitsubishi Marketing Study Group was established in February 1963, based on the idea that “each Mitsubishi company conducts its own marketing research, but if the Mitsubishi Group worked together, it would be more effective and promote marketing activities more than ever before. The purpose of the association is to contribute to the development of each member company through joint research and cross-industrial exchange within the group through activities such as subcommittee activities, training sessions, and lectures related to marketing, etc.


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