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    Lecture on ‘Women’s careers and balance’ for female executive candidates in the Mitsubishi Group.

    Lecture on ‘Women’s careers and balance’ for female executive candidates in the Mitsubishi Group.

    On Monday 30th January and 27th February, Ms. Mariko Magnan, our CEO spoke as a lecturer at the “Follow-up training for women’s career development promotion workshop” organized by the Mitsubishi Marketing Association which has 31 Mitsubishi Group companies as members.

    This workshop, organized annually, has attracted the interest of many female employees with themes such as rethinking women’s life and work, communication and leadership, and problem-solving.

    Magnan gave a lecture on gender and working styles in the training course last year, and this year she gave a presentation on the theme ‘Creating a society where women can work and play an active role through work-life transformation’, referring to the issues shared by the participants. She spoke about women’s career development, the various challenges associated with it, and her perspectives and approaches to these challenges.


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