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    Free Webinar on Thursday, 7/30. Understanding Employees and Resolving Complaints in Remote Environments.

    Free Webinar on Thursday, 7/30. Understanding Employees and Resolving Complaints in Remote Environments.

    The Covid-19 disaster is expected to change us into an era of “With/After Corona” with new values and standards.

    As remote work becomes more prevalent, many organizations may find it difficult to see what is going on among employees.

    This is why we are holding a webinar in collaboration with two companies.

    Ms. Magnan, CEO of TPO, Inc. will share the “real” voices of employees.

    Mr. Omote, Representative Director of mitsucari, Inc. will collect “data” from employees.

    Then we will introduce how to understand employees and solve their dissatisfaction.

    At the end of the session, we will have a Q&A session.

    This will be a useful information-sharing opportunity for human resource managers, organization administrators, and managers.We hope you will join us for this informative and useful event.

    We hope to see you there!

    The Webinar is recommended for:
    -Those who want to deepen their understanding of employees and resolve their dissatisfaction.

    -Those who feel that the transition to a telecommuting-centered organization is not going well.

    -HR and executives who would like to gather information on services offered by other companies.


    16:00-16:05 Opening

    16:05-16:25 Mitsukari’s speech

    16:25-16:45 Presentation by TPO

    16:45-17:00 QA Session

    Click here for free ticket application and event details (Japanese)


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