June 18 (Fri.) 16:00-17:00 YourConcierge X Dr. Health Management “How to Promote Employee Wellbeing and Health Management for Company Growth

We will talk about supporting employee well-being based on the wellbeing-related events we have conducted at our contractor’s offices and the findings of the YourWellbeing Program we have been conducting online since last year. This will be the first time with Dr.KENKO KEIEI Inc. to hold this event together.
We will be discussing questions such as, “Why is well-being important in the first place?” Please tell us about the well-being programs of domestic and foreign companies.
For details and registration, please click here.
Seminar Outline
-How does employee well-being affect company growth?
-How to promote health management even with limited internal resources
-How to promote health management even with limited internal resources
Outline of the seminar
Date: Friday, June 18, 16:00-17:00
Place: Online (Zoom) *After registration, a URL for viewing will be e-mailed to you.
Cost: Free of charge
Organizers: Dr.KENKO KEIEI Inc., TPO Inc.
Flow of the day
16:00-16:05 Greetings and introduction of speakers
16:05 – 16:25 “Health Management and Well-being” (Akiko Takemi, TPO Corporation)
16:25 – 16:45 “Health Management from a Mental Health Perspective Explained by an Industrial Physician” (Kenta Suzuki, Dr.KENKO KEIEI Inc.)
16:45 – 16:55 Q&A
We hope this webinar will be useful for everyone. We look forward to your participation.
For inquiries about service details and implementation, please contact us here.
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